First Baptist Church of Brattleboro

Serving as the hands and feet of Christ

New Paragraph


    First Baptist Church is a small congregation with a big heart.  We would love to get to know you better.  Please enjoy our website, which we share with the First United Methodist Church.  Both congregations have joined in Christian fellowship and love, worshipping together each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. The Reverends Ralph Howe and Suzanne Andrews alternate Sunday services, leading the congregation with moving, thoughtful sermons, hymns and prayer, while honoring both Baptist and Methodist Traditions. 

By combining our services, people have said they love the variety and fellowship of both denominations.  Pastor Sue and Pastor Ralph are genuinely open-minded and respectful of all beliefs and honor both Baptist and Methodist traditions.

Our service begins with a Scripture reading, followed by Mission Moments and a Passing of God’s love and peace with one another.  A children’s time follows. Then we join in a moving, tender offering of praise and thanks to God, by following Pastor Sue’s gentle movements to express our devotion to our Father and Jesus, his Son.  Pastor Ralph then leads us in heartfelt prayer as we pray for those in need. 

Our congregation, and guests, lead us in Old and New Testament readings.  The real strength of any church is most often not the Clergy, but the laity – the men and women (and children) who bring much of their own spiritual experiences to the worship service, thus sharing their diversity with all. 

Holy Communion is offered each Sunday, inclusive of the Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Eucharistic Prayers. Exciting sermons are shared with the congregation, offering insight into the Word of God. Favorite old and new hymns are sung by all.  A Final Blessing, offered by both Pastors, conclude the service.

Our service is accompanied by vibrant, stirring music offered by Dan DeWalt, a renowned local jazz musician. Dan brings an incredible array of music to enhance our worship. We often find ourselves mesmerized by his talent, tapping our feet and clapping our hands during our joyful time together.

Each one of you have an individual Spiritual journey with God.  We welcome creativity and individual participation from all.  Come as you are, and know that you are accepted and loved by The Beloved Community.

Our pastor, the Reverend Suzanne Andrews, can be reached at the church office – 802-254-1234 ext. 2 or her home, 413-648-3112.


A complete and interesting history of the First Baptist Church, originally located on Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, may be downloaded here.




  • 1. American Baptists believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.

    We celebrate the fact that our belief in Jesus Christ assures salvation and eternal fellowship with a loving God. We believe that Jesus is as close to us as our next breath, thus giving us the strength and courage to survive in this world, and endure anything life throws at us.

  • 2. For American Baptists, the local church is autonomous.

    Baptists always have maintained the need for autonomous, independent, self-directed congregations; responsible for articulating their own doctrine, style of worship, and mission; free to create their own by-laws and policies. Each congregation is guided by the American Baptist Vermont/New Hampshire Regional Office and American Baptists USA for guidance and support.

  • 3. American Baptists partake of two Ordinances: Believers’ Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.

    Baptism: We believe that baptism is a sign of faith, re-connecting us with our Savior, and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Redeemer. Believers are baptized by full immersion, following the example of John the Baptist, who baptized in the Jordan River. It is recommended that children be baptized when they become an age to understand the meaning of being baptized and are able to make an informed decision to choose baptism for themselves. This enables them to understand the significance of coming to Christ with all their heart. Younger children are Dedicated to God by the Pastor, and instead of God parents, the children have Sponsors to help guide them on their Spiritual journey.

    The Lord’s Supper: Through the Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion, the bread and cup symbolize the broken body and shed blood offered by Christ, allowing us to recall Jesus’ great sacrifice for us for the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of life everlasting. Gathering at the Table of the Lord each week reminds us of God’s great and enduring love for us. 

  • 4. American Baptists believe that the committed individual Christian can and should approach God directly.

    God’s people are encouraged to bring all that concerns them – transgressions, wrong-doings, or sins directly to God. We believe that nothing should stand between you and our Father. He welcomes all your fears and concerns, all your praise and joys through direct prayer.

  • 5. American Baptists take seriously the call to evangelism and missionary work.

    We believe that worldwide and local mission is a response to Christ’s call to “Help those in need.” Through the efforts of our missionaries, in partnership with others, we offer ministries of evangelism, healing, education and Christian development which have made Christ’s love known in the U.S. and around the world.

  • 6. American Baptists support religious freedom and respect the expressions of faith of others.

    As a people whose forbears came together in response to intolerance, American Baptists have cherished freedom and pursued freedom for millions around the world. Manifestations of that ideal include advocating for people everywhere to be guaranteed the right to worship free from discrimination, women’s rights, and the abolishment of slavery in every form. 

  • 7. American Baptists acknowledge that God’s family extends beyond our local churches, and that God calls us to cooperative ministries.

    Early Baptists saw that the effectiveness of their ministries would be greater through partnership with other believers, thus welcoming other faiths and traditions. We believe that strength lies in uniting ourselves with the diversity of others. 

  • 8. American Baptists have been called to be Christ’s witnesses for justice and wholeness within a broken society.

    American Baptists have been led by the Gospel to promote holistic change within society, as witnessed by our advocacy of freed African Americans following the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, women’s rights, ecological responsibility, and many other issues. American Baptists affirm the need to follow Christ’s example by being actively involved in a changing society; bringing love, compassion and justice to the world.

  • 9. American Baptist Churches USA celebrates the racial, cultural and theological diversity witnessed within its membership.

    American Baptists Churches USA is a racially inclusive Protestant body. Represented in our churches are equally diverse worship styles, cultural mores and approaches to Scripture interpretation. The resulting challenges and opportunities have made us stronger – through fellowship, respect, mutual support and dialog, all based on a belief that unity in Christ involves growth and understanding of one another. ALL members are believed to be ministers and ambassadors of God.

  • 10. American Baptists heed the biblical call to renewal and the need for a vital witness in a new millennium.

    As people of faith, American Baptists continually seek renewal and revitalization. Supported by our history and tradition, motivated by contemporary needs and challenges, strengthened by God’s guidance, and led by the example and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ, American Baptists seek to bring a transforming witness to an uncharted and unstable world.


Religious liberty for all.

God’s gift of love is freely given. We believe that our response to God must also be freely given and expressed. No political authority has the power to interfere with this basic right.

Self-Governing Churches.

We believe that Jesus is the sole head of the church. Therefore, each congregation is self-governing, yet interdependent with other churches and associations. In the spirit of fellowship and ecumenism, our churches may also seek relationships with other Christian bodies.

Missions and Evangelism.

Jesus’ message of everlasting love and salvation is open to all. Every church – and every believer – has a duty to be a witness to Jesus’ Gospel message. Jesus’ calling to spread the Gospel message is at the heart of each Baptist church.

Church Membership.

A church is a “covenant community” – a community of believers united in faith and committed to serving God. Once you’ve committed your life to Christ, you, too, should become a member of a church and enjoy the invaluable fellowship of caring believers who support and accept you for who you are.


Pastor Sue has been serving First Baptist Church for 16 years.  Her faith journey began at her mother’s knee, when as a child, her mom would read from the Bible and tell all of her seven children how much Jesus loved them.  She knew, deep within her heart, that God had been preparing her for the ministry all of her life.  She attended Manchester Community College, in Connecticut, and finished her Batchelor’s Degree at Keene State College, NH.  She attended Andover Newton Theological School and achieved her Master of Divinity degree.  She was Ordained by the American Baptist Vermont/New Hampshire Regional Board.  She has a passion for teaching children (and adults) about the Bible, while respecting each one’s individual Spiritual journey.  She loves Sacred Dance, music, hiking, kayaking and sharing Jesus’s love with others. 

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